The next generation of solar panels

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Storrington West Sussex RH20 3HQ

01903 244 449

Our registered address is: Drifter’s Lodge, Newhouse Lane, Storrington West Sussex RH20 3HQ.

Co Reg No: 14052425. VAT No 413 3879 93


Retro-fit of Transparent Solar glazing

Retro-fit of Transparent Solar glazing to existing conservatory roof – 2.28Kw/Hourly Peak. N. Yorkshire 

This solar glazed conservatory installation posed some logistical challenges as we were retro-fitting to one half only of an existing roof plus, we had to double glaze the solar glass units in advance so that the final result still complied with Building Regs in keeping the resident warm. First of all, we had to de-glaze the one half of the roof that was having solar units without damaging any of the rest of the roof structure and retaining the existing glazing bars and ridge cappings.

We then installed x24 transparent double glazed Solar PV glass units with a 10% transparency. The units were laminated and toughened with a unit depth of 34mm and filled with Argon Gas. These are the Transparent solar glass units that let loads of natural light in.

Power Performance: The thin-film solar glass technology will provide 2.28 Kwp (kilowatt peak) and have a U-Value of 1.4Wm2/k

Our MCS accredited electrician also installed 2 x 6kw Pylon batteries and connected them to the existing main electrical system and distribution board

The system we installed will allow the resident to limit the power sent back to the Grid thus avoiding any issues with the DNO (District Network Operator), as well as allowing the use of the stored Battery Power in the case of any Grid disruptions or power outages.

Plus, all existing solar systems installed to the property were connected to the new battery system along with the new Solar PV Roof Glazing.