The next generation of solar panels

Our Office

Storrington West Sussex RH20 3HQ

01903 244 449

Our registered address is: Drifter’s Lodge, Newhouse Lane, Storrington West Sussex RH20 3HQ.

Co Reg No: 14052425. VAT No 413 3879 93


BASED ON Semi-transparent Glazing option

Small house

Single Carport
No of panels 8
Annual production 3270kWh

Annual Saving £1,200
Monthly saving £100

Smart Battery 5kW

A small home will consume about 4 kilowatts per day on average over a year

Medium house

No of panels 10
Annual production 4061kWh

Annual Saving £1,500
Monthly Saving £125

Smart Battery 6kW

A medium home will consume about 8 kilowatts per day

Large house

Double Carport
No of panels 14
Annual production 5685kWh

Annual saving £2,100
Monthly Saving £175

Smart Battery 10kW

A large home will consume 10-12kilowatts or more per day

Average figures based on 37p/kW i.e. the Energy Price Cap.